Why Your Summer Sports Car Should Be Kept In Storage And Not Your Garage

After cruising the city streets in your summer sports car during the warm weather months, you’ll have to prepare your ride for its winter hibernation so that it escapes the ice and snow. But where should you store it? While you could keep it in your garage, there are definitely some benefits to choosing a storage facility instead.
So with that said, read on to find out why your summer sports car should be kept in storage and not your garage. The benefit of climate controlled storage units is definitely a selling point, but you’ll see that there are many others.
- Security
When you keep your sports car in storage rather than in your garage over the cold winter months, you’ll ensure that it’s safer. Thieves will be less likely to target your sports car at a storage facility because of the security measures put in place, such as quality locks, alarms, surveillance cameras and sometimes even security personnel who patrol the perimeter. If you lock away your summer sports car in your garage, you’ll run the risk of someone — yourself or a family member — forgetting to close or lock the garage door, and this will leave your prized possession at a higher risk of being stolen or vandalized by thieves.
- Keep it in Good Condition
If you opt to store your sports car in a storage unit, you’ll be able to better protect your four-wheeled investment from dings, dents and scratches. The reason for this is that there will be nothing in the storage unit but your summer sports car, and that means that there will be nothing to accidentally fall into it or damage your vehicle. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for your garage, where things might potentially hit or brush against your car.
- Climate Control
If you really love your summer sports car and want it to be in pristine shape for years to come, you should seriously consider climate controlled storage units. These types of units, which are usually available at a reasonable premium above what you’d pay for regular storage units, can help you to protect the fabrics, electronics and other components of your vehicle from things like mildew and mold. Regardless of where in the country you live, climate controlled storage units can help you to store your summer sports car safely.
Getting a good storage unit to store your summer sports car makes a great deal of sense. Avoid having too much stuff in your home garage by finding a suitable storage facility to put your vehicle over the long winter season so that it’s ready to go come spring.
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